I have a friend who inspires me like no other. She never sees obstacles, only opportunities, and with her in mind I created this year’s goal. Because I knew if I told her I wanted to paint more, she’d tell me- just get it done! So I will.
I’m going to finish four paintings a month, roughly one a week. That’s a huge goal for me. I work full time doing very non art-related work, and I also keep up some small projects on the side. So time isn’t something I have a lot of extra to spare. But I am an artist. It’s my joy in life! And I’m not going to let anything get in the way of that.
But I’ll admit I am scared. I’m afraid of making bad art. I hate finishing a painting and not liking it, and I hoped I would get to a point where that no longer happened. But I think as long as I push myself, there will always be bad paintings. My sister suggested I embrace it and when a painting goes bad, to run with it. Make it worse even. It could be fun! I won’t rule that out as an option. Maybe at the end I’ll have a bad art show so you can also see all the paintings I didn’t like. Whatever happens, you’ll get to see it all first hand. It’s going to be really fun, though. Let's get started!